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The Power of Manifestation and the Grind

As the end of the semester steadily approaches for many of us, it can seem like after endless amounts of homework and studying, a future career seems so far away in the distance. Even if you aren’t a current student fighting to survive, the future can seem very unsure, especially since the pandemic hit us all like a brick not too long ago. It may seem like that future career, family, lifestyle or whatever it is that you have been hoping for may seem so unlikely to happen. It may seem like your aspirations are too far for you to reach. Its times like these that our own self-doubt can leave us feeling extremely depressed and hopeless. It can honestly be truly soul crushing! Sometimes people can get to a certain point where they no longer feel it's even worth it anymore to hope for these things and end up settling for less. If I can give anyone any kind of advice at all, it would be DO NOT SETTLE!!! This is your life, and you deserve everything you want and more! Your dreams aren’t unreachable, the only thing that holds us back is ourselves! We only have one life to live, so we might as well give it our all. Wishful thinking you might interject, but I promise you there is a way to reach your goals and truly be happy in life. The answer to your prayers is manifestation and hard work! So just listen to me, as I’m going to show you how to get what you deserve in life with just a little brain power and energy focusing!

So, what even is manifestation? This word “manifestation” has been jumping around social media feeds and conversations in recent years and it all might just seem like a bunch of hocus pocus to you. While manifestation may seem like a dreamy wish you make for a better life, its far more concrete than that. Manifesting is creating the future you want for yourself before you even know what that is. It’s speaking your truth and your energy into the earth to achieve your objectives. Much like praying, manifesting their destiny, for many people, is something they do by simply taking time out of their day to speak to or through a higher power of some sorts to ask for what you need to accomplish. If you find yourself to be a less spiritual individual, it can be seen as a way to put your positive energy into the universe to receive that positive energy back through your gifts and achievements in life. In a scientific way, every living being contains energy so if you focus that positive energy into positive endeavors such as helping others and working hard, you will receive that positive energy back to you in your everyday life. If we tell the universe what we want, and speak on it every day, whether through prayer or actually physically saying allowed “I will become this” or “I will achieve that”, we are putting our brains in the mindset that we deserve what’s meant for us. In order to manifest your fate, you must be content with the ideal that you are one with this world and what’s meant for you will not pass you. By putting your intentions out into the universe, you’re allowing yourself to be surrounded by their positive influences and it will lead you to living a happier and healthier life. You must continuously reenforce these concepts within your mind to achieve what you desire.

Now, I know what most of you are thinking. You’re shrugging me off assuming, “Yeah right that’s a bunch of nonsense! You can’t just get what you want by speaking to it into the universe” and you would be correct! Manifestation only works if we truly put GOOD intentions into our world and if we work hard for the life we want as well. I am someone who was so blessed to be taught at a young age the importance of hard work as I was made to get a job when I first turned 15 and have always been expected to work hard in school. This has taught me you have to want your aspiration so badly that your grind never stops! You should be manifesting only your deepest desires and passions, and they should be the things you would work as hard as you can to obtain. Don’t let your own self-doubt deter you from being the best version of you that you can be! Remember, where attention goes, energy flows so focus your attention on your passions, and you will not be disappointed! For more information on how to manifest your destiny check out, a great article on different ways to make what you desire come to life. Focus your energy positively, and I think you will surprise yourself with the power it will bring you! #manifestation #grind #manifestyourdestiny #destiny #hardwork #universe #goodvibes #positiveenergy #love

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